Saturday, September 19, 2009

Decisions, Decisions...

Andrea and I are praying hard about returning to Winchester after this semester. If we are to return, I will take online courses through the Seminary, and Andrea will begin her Masters program at SU for elementary education. If we decide to remain here in Cleveland, I will continue at the Seminary, and Andrea will begin her Master of Arts in teaching at Lee University. You would think that a good church would be easy to find in Cleveland. Yes, there is a plethora of churches here, but none compare to the church we came from. It's extremely difficult to find a church as warming as the WinchesterCOG. Even when attending a church here and trying to get involved, our heart, passion, and love is in the Winchester church. As Andrea put it, "It's like trying to find a new family," and we love the one we already have in Winchester. Andrea and I really want to settle down in a community and in a church, and we know that we want to do that in Winchester. If we can continue to pursue our schooling in either location, plus have jobs, we would rather do it where we envision settling down. So please pray with us as we ask God to show us what He wants us to do and where He wants us to go. Thanks so much. We love you guys!
-Aaron & Andrea